Abstract Subway
My idea of photography was to have a loose idea of what you want to shoot then go explore and develop that idea into images. Photography to me is about slowing down and capturing the objects, scenes, and atmospheres that are commonly overlooked. I began my project wanting to capture landscape and architecture, focusing on creating abstract images. Throughout my various explorations and shoots, I struggled to create images. I went out with too broad of a topic and wasn’t able to see what I needed to photograph. It was then, with advisor and guidance from others, that I created a more structured notion to my project. I put my focus towards on one specific area, the TTC Stations, a place that I, and thousands of other people, pass through every day. I then focused my aesthetic on the details of the stations, creating strong images of the shapes and forms that create the infrastructure of the TTC. In my work I also developed sub-themes of maintenance, and time. Through the cracks and grime covering all surfaces, or the missing tiles absent from walls floors and ceilings. It is these details that show the passage of time, the destruction, but also the rebuilding that is needed constantly on all structures. Through these images I hope to show the beautiful details and strong forms that can be seen in a place seen by thousands a day, as well as show the maintenance that is resulted from this constant use.