Imaginary Friends
To anthropomorphize is the act of attributing human characteristics to gods, animals and objects. Imaginary Friends, is a hybrid series revolving around the documentation of anthropomorphized objects during self-isolation due to COVID-19. As a result of the current pandemic, a majority of the world is on lockdown. As Canadians, we have been asked to remain isolated; spending our time confined to our homes. This confinement has us viewing the same objects over and over, interacting with them for countless hours at a time. As you stare at the objects, they begin to reveal characteristics you had not previously seen. It is no surprise that the human face, being one of the most recognizable objects to us, can be created through our imagination in seemingly bland items if stared at for too long.
Imaginary Friends combines the likes of digital photography and digital illustration in the creation of one image. Objects were selected slowly over time as the human characteristics inhabited by them became apparent. After an object was chosen, it was photographed and brought into Procreate. Through illustration is where the objects gained their human qualities. Illustrating directly on top of the images, colours were matched and blended to create seamless transitions between reality and imagination. In creating the seamless transitions, the illustrations were combined with the photograph in a subtle way. Like the physical objects themselves, some images may show their hidden characteristics right away, while others may take time to find.
During these scary and unpredictable times, we need to find humor and joy in the world around us. This work provides a humorous pause to our current situation and creates a new world to explore. Like a child who can make a toy out of anything, this series opens the viewers mind, reconnecting to our childlike imagination; granting us the ability to once again be creative and fun with the everyday objects surrounding us.